
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Volume: Special - total 74    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
114Tricky Printing1142
116Summing Up830
187Static Web Page595
188Basics of HTML569
176Say 100407
195Mul Two356
119Brain Fibo461
189Dynamic Web Page302
150Introducing Regexps334
126Sequence of Squares359
167Copy Line298
197Loops in Assembly262
117Divide by Two327
190Query String Parameters204
435Maze Mapping API-Robot10
199Employees Web App141
244Introducing SQL106
168Caesar meets BF137
245Aggregations in SQL95
198Prn Hex Str110
177Nim Game113
160Social Web Scraper119
246Joins in SQL79
431King and Rook Checkmate6
400Memory Check18
265Update in SQL63
196Fibonacci Randomizer86
112Travelling Salesman Inverted94
200Fizz Buzz in Asm57
408Mad Beaver in River Labyrinth8
212BCD to Hex50
257Missing Records in SQL39
147Color Cubes Advanced57
178Maze of the Wumpus51
118Maxit Single-Player61
416Socket Server5
223Introducing Scheme40
363Language Detector13
375Space Invaders11
183Connect Four42
353Hurkle Hunter14
284Rotate Array In-Place23
358Mandelbrot Set12
238Bear Hunt28
249Turing Increment26
286Self-Printing Program20
313Seven Segment Decoder16
285Rotate Matrix In Place19
250Turing Clone21
378Space Invaders Automation6
231Dice Black Jack19
306Line Drawing Algorithm12
254Rule 30 by Turing16
397Trading Bot3
242Comment Stripper14
328Beep Beep Beep7
267Turing Maze11
308Circle Drawing Algorithm8
227Hashtable Implementation13
252Shadok and Gibis10
224Transposing List of Lists11
355Robots Game4
248Christmas Puzzle9
356Robots Game Autoplay3
239Foxes and Geese8
348Trick-Taking Game3
228Maze Mapping Robot6
318Launch to Orbit automated2