
Problem #446

Tags: special c-1 interactive games

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It is a well-known game "Hangman" in which you are to guess a word picked by server.

Actually you'll need to guess 7 words (one by one) - for each you have 9 attempts.

You make an attempt by suggesting a letter - if it is found in the word, it shows up in the "pattern" presented to you by the server and attempt is saved (i.e. attempt count only decreases on failures).

Technical details

This is interactive puzzle and you play by sending HTTP requests to the server.

To start send the token to the server using GAME-NAME hangman and the url found in the instruction on interactive puzzles.

In every subsequent request you should add field letter (containing your next guess). Server always responds showing pattern with the letters already guessed and underscores in places of those yet not guessed. Also it includes counts for attempts and words to guess.

We recommend you to try doing it manually first. However to prevent you from manually solving the puzzle there is a time limit - from the start of the game (i.e. when you have sent token without the guess) it should take no more than 120 seconds.

Words are picked from our /data/words.txt file (open and save it or right-click and pick save/download).

Example of exchange

Let's demonstrate it with curl command-line tool. You start the game:

curl -HContent-Type:application/json -d '{"token":"..."}' <server-address>/hangman.php

Server prepares the game state and response readily:


You make your guess by sending the same request with added letter field:

curl -HContent-Type:application/json -d '{"token":"...", "letter":"a"}' <server-address>/hangman.php

Server may say the letter is in this word (so attempts counter won't change):


Or say decrease attempt counter if your guess doesn't discover new letters:


When the word is guessed correctly, server immediately generates a new one (pattern becomes blank again and words counter decreases).

If you fail there is end field in the response and some message (attempts exhausted or time is out).

If you win, there'll be a winner's token which you should submit as an answer (below).

To restart the game you may reuse the same token (just don't send letter field).

You need to login to get test data and submit solution.