
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: games - total 68    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
43Dice RollingDE ES ZH RU SK9085
44Double Dice RollRU3882
58Card Names3308
49Rock Paper Scissors3341
59Bulls and Cows2927
42Blackjack Counting2659
53King and Queen2146
45Cards ShufflingZH2024
75Yacht or Dice Poker1539
36Code GuesserUA1208
73Hexagonal Grid962
51Dungeons and Dragons DiceUA816
56Life is Simple787
91Game of 2048527
64Maze Pathfinder488
99Uphill Shooting340
133Billiard Ball265
76Pawn Move Validator299
96Snake Arcade280
184Matches Picking205
103Easter Eggs263
146Color Cubes202
151Word Ladders193
431King and Rook Checkmate4
420Life on a String9
162Rubik's Cube129
407River Labyrinth14
177Nim Game113
185Simple 3D Scene108
159Hard Life105
100Crossing the Road116
186Simple 3D Scene (cont)84
390Card Pairing Solitaire15
405Three Friendly Knights10
403Hi-Lo dice game10
203Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax Algorithm69
408Mad Beaver in River Labyrinth8
163Colliding Balls72
334Find all of the SETs24
178Maze of the Wumpus51
147Color Cubes Advanced56
118Maxit Single-Player61
180Simple Game of Sticks47
375Space Invaders11
367Roguelike 1d12
353Hurkle Hunter14
382Die Throw Sequences9
183Connect Four42
238Bear Hunt27
402Game of Stones4
378Space Invaders Automation6
231Dice Black Jack18
369Flappy Bird4
355Robots Game4
252Shadok and Gibis9
356Robots Game Autoplay3
348Trick-Taking Game3
251Radio Spies7
317Launch to Orbit4
239Foxes and Geese7