Christmas Puzzle

Problem #248  

Tags: brainfuck c-1 special pretty-print

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Let's employ our Brainfuck++ skills to build a beautiful Christmas fir-tree!

(some people ignore the line above, so let's repeat - this problem should be solved in BF language, not python, c++ or any other)

Your Christmas Tree should look like this:


The exact form is specified with a sequence of integers in the following manner:

Here is an example: fir-tree above consists of 3 sections (two triangular and the trunk). First section is of 4 lines, starts with line having only 1 symbol and increments by 1 on each side. The second section has 3 lines, starts from 3 and adds 2 characters on each side with every next line. The trunk has 2 lines, its width is 1 and increment obviously 0:

4 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 0


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