Rotate Matrix In Place

Problem #285  

Tags: basic special c-1

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Similar to previous task, but now we want to rotate matrix, i.e. two-dimensional array with equal number of rows and columns. This time "rotation" means just it - turn it 90 degrees clockwise, e.g.:

original:       rotated:

1 2 3 4         d 9 5 1
5 6 7 8         e a 6 2
9 a b c         f b 7 3
d e f g         g c 8 4

really I stuck upon this when preparing Polyomino Generation task

Again this should be written in BASIC, and here is a template code to help in your work:

INPUT n : DIM a(n, n)
FOR i = 0 TO n-1 : FOR j = 0 TO n-1 : INPUT a(i, j) : NEXT j : NEXT i

GOSUB rotate

FOR i = 0 TO n-1
FOR j = 0 TO n-1 : PRINT a(i, j); " "; : NEXT j

REM your wonderful code should be added here
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