Maze Mapping API-Robot

Problem #435  

Tags: interactive special c-1

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maze visualization in console
Maze can be visualized as standard output of your solution is not used

This problem should be easier than the one we already have (Maze Mapping Robot) - for two reasons:

Actually it is re-implementation of the first exercise from the contest held by MTS mobile operator in the fall of 2024. Your goal is to crawl over whole maze and submit its precise map for verification.

Use maze1 for GAME-NAME (with the common url found in instruction above).

Problem Statement

Maze of N*N size consists of square cells. Each cell can have passages in any of 4 walls: north, east, south, west - we use this order of directions everywhere. Axis X goes in west-east direction. Axis Y goes in north-south direction.

You start at the lower-left corner, that is south-western, its coordinates are X=0, Y=N-1 (from which you know the size of the maze).

You send commands forward to move forth, backward to move back, left and right to turn 90 degrees. Response contains your coordinates, direction (as value 0 .. 3 according to the order given above, actually clockwise) - and also values from sensors which inform you whether there are passages or walls around you (front, left, right, back).

When you crawl over all the maze, send command guess and additional parameter matrix with the value, describing the maze cells in the following form:


Here are hexadecimal digits - each of them describing one cell. The very first is for X=0, Y=0, the next for X=1, Y=0 and so on, row by row (with rows separated by dashes to improve visibility).

Every cell's digit is constructed simply as bitmask - if there is a passage in some direction, you set corresponding bit to 1. For example if there is only passage to the east (direction 1) the cell is described with digit 2 (binary 0010). If there are passages to the south and west (directions/bits 2 and 3) the digit should be c (binary 1100) and so on.

To restart the game you, as usually, send only token without any command.

Exchange example

We send to start the game:

token: blahblahblahblah

Server answers:

x: 0
y: 6
dir: 0
front: 1
right: 1
back: 0
left: 0
steps: 0

I.e. there are passages both forward and right.

We send then command to move forward:

token: blahblahblahblah
cmd: forward

And server updates position and responds:

x: 0
y: 5
dir: 0
front: 1
right: 0
back: 1
left: 0
steps: 1

Now let's pretend we already mapped the maze and try to give the answer (obviously wrong - no passages at all in it):

token: blahblahblahblah
cmd: guess
matrix: 0000000-0000000-0000000-0000000-0000000-0000000-0000000

Server says the game is ended with loss and discovers the form of the maze:

end: game is lost
msg: expected:4444444-579d555-7945555-783d3d5-5445479-557bbbc-3bbaa81

Good luck!

We are likely to introduce limit on number of moves and time in the nearest future, but let's collect some attempts statistics first.

You need to login to get test data and submit solution.