Sum of Digits Divisibility

Problem #377

Tags: modulo simple c-1

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Let's regard sum of digits for first few positive numbers, and remainders they give when divided by 10:

value   sum-of-digits   SD % 10
  1           1            1
  2           2            2
  9           9            9
 10           1            1
 11           2            2
 18           9            9
 19          10            0
 99          18            8
100           1            1

Thus the first sum-of-digits which is divisible by 10 is for number 19. The next is for number 28. It is a bit annoying that remainders do not follow exact order, you see after 99 remainder "jumps" from 8 to 1.

We want to calculate for given K the k-th number for which sum of digits is divisible by 10.

Input data: number T of the testcases to follow is in the first line.
Next T lines contain single integer each - the value K.

Answers should be given as usually, as T values separated with spaces.


input data:

19 28 109
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