Problem #376
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Rene Descartes was not only a famous philosopher, his other well-known hobby was gardening.
He is planting an orchard consisting of N
fruit trees, all of different heights - and all of them along the
road, in a straight line - so they could be enumerated say from 1
to N
. Once he've been sleeping in this
garden after laborious work and in a dream he was visited by large delegation of the Easter Bunnies,
each of them querying something like "Which is the smallest tree in range between L-th
and R-th
Being able to answer such a question without iterating over all the trees in the range is the motivation for
curious data structure, named Cartesian Tree
after Descartes (his Latin pen-name). He never knew of it, but it doesn't matter. This
structure may be useful in several whimsical puzzles, but being unable to come up with some really intriguing,
we this time simply ask you to construct such a tree. If done correctly, you'll see visualisation of it above.
In a simplest form it's built from an unordered array of values. The root element is the minimal one. Every element
has left and right branch (so it is again binary tree). These branches lead to sub-trees built from sub-arrays -
slices to left and right from the minimal element in the same manner. So it is recursive. Regard array 3 8 1 5
for example. It's minimal element is 1
, then left sub-array is 3 8
and right one is 5
. Among the left
the next minimal is 3
and remaining 8
is the right sub-array of it.
| |
-3---+ -5-
So all the "upper" elements are smaller then those below - it is the property of the Cartesian Tree. Falling
into the left or right branch, on contrary, doesn't depend on value of the element, but on its index. The more
general description of the tree regards elements as pairs (X, Y)
where Y
is the value (weight or priority)
according to which elements hang higher or lower, while X
is the coordinate determining left-right relation.
In that regard the structure is two-dimensional and can be used in geometric context. Also due to this 2d
it is actually called "Cartesian" - the tree could be directly plotted on a cartesian plane.
Note: there is more than one way to construct the tree, recursive one is not the most elegant - but result of course is always the same.
For an array of numbers, please build a tree according to the description above. The result of this building should
be a list of lines to be plotted on a digital canvas. Each line is described by 4
values x1 y1 x2 y2
Input Data provide the length of array N
in the first line, the next line contains N
integer values for
this array. Let's agree indices (which are also X
coordinates) are 1
Answer please output the coordinates for line segments representing branches of a tree. There should be
lines obviously, in every line there are expected 4
values - couple for start of the segment and
couple of the end. You'll see Y
is in range roughly 0 .. 300
so to make tree look "wide" enough multiplite
all X
coordinates by 10
please. If the output format is correct, the visualisation of a tree is automatically
created in the canvas above.
30 80 10 50
30 10 10 30
30 10 40 50
10 30 20 80