
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: data-structures - total 20    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
29Sort with IndexesRU5546
67Fibonacci SequenceRU4396
32Josephus ProblemRU4013
62Prime Ranges1673
181Reverse Polish Notation613
87Tree Builder616
207Suffix Array378
92Binary Heap427
154Breadth First Search304
155Depth First Search266
93Starving Priority Queue272
84Dijkstra in the Network275
159Hard Life106
209Suffix Array Advanced72
376Cartesian Tree Visualization15
383E2C2S - try harder!8
380Treap Study6
227Hashtable Implementation13
224Transposing List of Lists11