Throwing Easter Eggs

Problem #338  

Tags: c-1 puzzle

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The Easter Bunnies invite you to a game of Easter egg throwing. There are N=777777 bunnies, and each one throws a single egg. The egg lands somewhere in an array with cells numbered from 1 to N. The throwing abilities of the bunnies appear quite random to you; the egg for the i-th bunny lands somewhere in a cell from the interval [first(i), last(i)]. What’s the highest number of eggs you could potentially find in a single cell after all the throws?

Input: A single integer X0 that is used as the seed for the Linear Congruential Generator introduced in the problem 25 - use A=445, C=700001 and M=2097152. Generate 2*N random values, transform them via value % N + 1 to the range 1 to N, split them into N pairs, and use the i-th pair (a(i), b(i)) to establish the i-th throwing interval as [min(a(i),b(i)), max(a(i),b(i))].

Output: The highest number of eggs you could find in a single cell after all bunnies have thrown their eggs (for X0=0, the answer is 389650).

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