Logic Transformation

Problem #268  

Tags: implementation c-1 mathematics logic

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Thanks for the idea of this problem to our colleague Vadim Pelyushenko!

There is a Boolean Logic, you know :) Logic formulas include variables, which only could be false or true and operations between them. In this problem we have description of some logic function, built as a chain of operations on few input variables - and want to transform it to more plain form, namely full disjunctive normal form.


Input consists of set of rules, each taking only 2 variables and naming result as some new variable.

Syntax for the rule is Z := X op Y where Z is result variable, X and Y could be prepended with negation operator, and the operation (op) itself could be one of:

All variables are denoted with small latin letters (a ... z). Of them first four (a, b, c, d) are input variables, while others appear as results in rules. There are no loops in rule definitions (no feedbacks). One of variables (latest of letters) is considered output.

Full Disjunctive Normal Form consists of disjunction (or) of several parts, where every of those parts is conjunction (and) of all input variables with different set of negations applied to them each time. For example implication (mentioned above) is represented in FDNF as following:

x&y | ~x&y | ~x&~y

However, while x&y | ~x is also DNF, it is not "full" (rather, contracted by combining two parts of full form).

In the answer we use &, | signs instead and, or respectively - simply for compactness.

Input gives number of rules and the name of output variable.
Then rules follow, one per line.
Answer should provide full disjunctive normal form of four variables. Order and spaces do not matter.


8 l
l := k and f
k := f -> j
e := d xor ~c
f := ~e xor a
g := ~e -> ~b
h := d eq g
i := h -> b
j := b or i

a&b&c&d | a&b&~c&~d | a&~b&~c&~d | ~a&b&~c&d | ~a&b&c&~d | ~a&~b&c&~d
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