
Note that you can solve most task in any order!
Already solved ones are at the bottom of the table.

Tagged with: mathematics - total 70    (clear filter)

Id Title Translations Solved
8Arithmetic ProgressionDE ES RU ZH SK11745
10Linear FunctionDE ES RU SK8019
18Square RootES RU5775
68Bicycle RaceES RU4369
35Savings Calculator4172
61Prime Numbers GenerationRU2907
38Quadratic Equation2473
34Binary Search2235
37Mortgage CalculatorZH2098
69Fibonacci Divisibility1914
63Integer FactorizationZH1834
62Prime Ranges1673
39Share Price Volatility1562
80Duel Chances1169
54Pythagorean Triples1073
145Modular Exponentiation798
97Girls and Pigs872
51Dungeons and Dragons DiceUA825
66Caesar Cipher Cracker727
88Pitch and Notes674
108Star Medals609
95Simple Linear Regression602
77Point to Segment Distance610
211Information Entropy387
71Fibonacci Divisibility Advanced562
101Gradient Calculation498
119Brain Fibo462
89Instrument Tuner473
425Explosive Breeding33
385Number of steps in Euclidean Algorithm77
126Sequence of Squares360
144Modular Inverse279
103Easter Eggs266
360Whisky Blending58
164Page Rank179
152RSA Cryptography165
337Introducing Zeckendorf62
111Necklace Count180
411Elo Ratings20
418Expected Number of Random Moves16
269Fibonacci coding83
359Find 3 Numbers38
157Emirp primE115
421Princess and Tiger10
115Gradient Descent for SLE111
166Page Rank as Eigenvector88
113Ground Zero95
216Cracking Linear Congruential Generator63
335Venus Visible28
175Algae Robot67
259Easter Bunnies45
409Election Fever9
403Hi-Lo dice game10
293Sums of Triplets35
389Binary Split Guessing Game13
379Dice with Infinity Sides13
430Cutting Paper3
347Unwanted Multiples17
255LCM of a range32
354Too Many Divisors15
340Zeckendorf Lite15
358Mandelbrot Set12
357Ulam's Prime Spiral12
268Logic Transformation21
422Mabinogion Sheep2
341Zeckendorf Advanced10
365Flower Border Arrangements7
222Easter Eggs Advanced19
327Dobbin's Long Journey8
226Multiplicative Persistence Backtrace11