User: lalopezpa

Position: #3379 (among top 5.9%)
Rank ?: believer

Tasks solved: 41
of them for certificate: 16

Country: Colombia

Relations   (details)
Is befriended by 1 users
and made friendship with 1 users

Registered: Oct 5 2021
Last visit: Feb 8 2022 14:37

User have not filled his personal info still.
If you are acquainted - please ask him / her to do so!
Awards, Diplomas etc (how to win them?):

Currently nothing here :(

Solutions list
(view saved unsuccessful solutions)
Note: you can not view solutions of tasks which you have not yet solved yourself!
# Title Language Solution Date
1 Sum "A+B" Python view
Oct 14 2021
4 Minimum of Two Python view
Oct 14 2021
5 Minimum of Three Python view
Nov 8 2021
9 Triangles Python view
Nov 23 2021
11 Sum of digits Python view
Nov 25 2021
8 Arithmetic Progression Python view
Nov 25 2021
41 Median of Three Python view
Nov 27 2021
15 Maximum of array Python view
Nov 29 2021
2 Sum in Loop Python view
Nov 29 2021
3 Sums in Loop Python view
Nov 29 2021
6 Rounding Python view
Nov 29 2021
7 Fahrenheit to Celsius Python view
Nov 29 2021
20 Vowel Count Python view
Nov 29 2021
28 Body Mass Index Python view
Nov 29 2021
13 Weighted sum of digits Python view
Jan 3 2022
16 Average of an array Python view
Jan 3 2022
43 Dice Rolling Python view
Jan 3 2022
30 Reverse String Python view
Jan 3 2022
17 Array Checksum Python view
Jan 4 2022
10 Linear Function Python view
Jan 4 2022
121 Insertion Sort Java view
Jan 4 2022
74 Clock Hands Java view
Jan 5 2022
134 Flying Text Screensaver Java view
Jan 5 2022
49 Rock Paper Scissors Java view
Jan 5 2022
58 Card Names Java view
Jan 5 2022
21 Array Counters Java view
Jan 10 2022
12 Modulo and time difference Python view
Jan 12 2022
48 Collatz Sequence Python view
Jan 12 2022
31 Rotate String Java view
Feb 6 2022
14 Modular Calculator Java view
Feb 6 2022
27 Bubble Sort Java view
Feb 6 2022
18 Square Root Java view
Feb 6 2022
50 Palindromes Java view
Feb 6 2022
68 Bicycle Race Java view
Feb 6 2022
29 Sort with Indexes Java view
Feb 6 2022
24 Neumann's Random Generator Java view
Feb 6 2022
35 Savings Calculator Java view
Feb 6 2022
57 Smoothing the Weather Java view
Feb 6 2022
67 Fibonacci Sequence Java view
Feb 7 2022
26 Greatest Common Divisor Python view
Feb 7 2022
25 Linear Congruential Generator Python view
Feb 7 2022