Winter 2021/22
Banners functionality rewritten in php after appengine going down2021-12-28
Turing machine problems and infrastructure2021-12-14
Christmas Puzzle problem in BF2021-12-14
Hanoi Towers problem by CSFPython
Points calculation moved to sql, codelikes hidden - to reduce lag on recalc2021-12-03
SQL problems and their infrastructureSummer-Autumn 2021
Grille Encryption problem2021-11-21
Comment Stripper problem2021-11-14
Village Ways problem by CSFPython
Py-checker to allow other people to contribute problems easier.2021-11-04
Playfair Cipher Cracker problem2021-10-??
Email subscription restored, dedicated page added.2021-10-09
Bear Hunt and Foxes and Geese interactive problems2021-10-02
Interactive problems moved to awardspace "old school" php hosting after appengine completely broken.2021-10-01
Road Network Destruction problem from HackerCup2021-09-26
improved localization for task titles2021-09-21
Problems about Train Merge and Flat Earth2021-09-02
Our own Sandbox for running code instead of broken Hackerrank API2021-06-20
search for solutions won't show suspiciously short onesSpring 2021
problem Shift Register Randomizer2021-04-17
Last solution submitted auto save/restore in browser2021-04-15
Arena introduced with Dice Black Jack problem2021-04-06
Task attempt result page improved, prize photos introduced2021-04-??
Sensei rank (still need to fix banner's engine)2021-04-01
Github OAuth token fix; fix for images in translations2021-03-??
Problems on BWT and MTF2021-03-??
support and five Scheme problemsWinter 2021
"Summon admin" button at forums2021-02-25
solution to "challenge" task is accessible for author (also allows language change)2021-02-23
password recovery via e-mail2021-02-15
added Fortran to language list2021-02-11
switch to PHP7 leading to several hours downtime and compatibility fixes2021-02-02
language changing on solution being loaded2021-01-20
problem Easter Eggs Advanced2021-01-10
added R to language list2021-01-09
problem XWordsSummer 2020
two problems on Neural Networks principles2020-07-26
active js hints on login page2020-07-25
store only email hashes (old emails are hashed too) for privacy2020-07-24
linking to Github account (for login/password accounts)2020-07-23
password and email change in settings page2020-07-22
new problem Rain Must Fall2020-07-15
disabled highlight on "view solution" for "other" language2020-07-11
added Pascal to language listSpring 2020
disabled Ads (google adsense)2020-03-01
new problem Personality Swap2020-02-24
added donation page visible for level 25+2020-02-13
Github login deprecation fix2020-01-01
fix for slow Mess page loading (missing index)